Template Library & Experiment Designer

From the Home page , click Template Library & Experiment Designer Empiria Studio Experiment Designer and Template Library icon to see the Template Library. The Template Library is where you can create and edit Templates. Templates reduce the number of steps needed to repeat analyses, ensuring that analysis is fast and includes minimal repeated steps that could lead to variability in your results.

In the Template Library, click Create Template to start the Experiment Designer. The Experiment Designer is the workflow for creating Templates.

A Plate Template is required for Multiwell Plate analysis in Empiria Studio. See Getting Started with Plate Templates for more information about creating your first Plate Template and using Plate Templates.

The following are basic actions you can use to manage Plate Templates in the Template Library.


See Getting Started with Plate Templates for more information.


  1. Click copy next to the template that you want to copy.

    A copy of the template will be created with -Copy appended to the name.

  2. To stay organized, it's best to remove -Copy from the name.


To delete a template, click in the template's row in the Template Library.

  • Preset Templates (those installed with Empiria Studio and marked with a lock ) cannot be deleted.

  • Deleting a template does not affect Experiments where the template was used.

  • When you click , the template is deleted. It is not moved to the Empiria Studio Recycle Bin.


If you have a template that you want to share or use on a different computer, click in the template's row in the Template Library.

The exported template file will have a .litm file extension.


In the menu above the Template Library, click Import Template.