Data Management

Image Studio 21 CFR Part 11 data are stored on the server.

  • Images and server log files are saved in the Server folder.
    C:\users\<windows login name>\.licor\ImageStudio\Server
  • All other data, including analysis data and metadata, are stored in a PostgreSQL database.

    The PostgreSQL System Master password is required to back up the database. LI‑COR is not responsible for maintaining the password.

Data Backup

Each customer organization is responsible for backing up data according to their own policy. LI‑COR recommends the following guidelines for backing up your data:

  • Back up the PostgreSQL database and image data in the Server folder on a routine basis.
  • Keep the database backup and Server folder backup in sync by backing both up at the same time.

Contents of the Server folder can be backed up using appropriate file management procedures, and the database can be backed up using the methods described below.

Please see the following third-party guide for more information about using the pgAdmin 4 database management system to back up and restore your database

Plain text backup files generated from the backup with pgAdmin 4 cannot be restored in pgAdmin 4.

The following template shows how pg_dump.exe can be used in a batch script to create a plain text backup of the PostgreSQL database to a file with a date in the name.

The path to pg_dump.exe can vary depending on the version of PostgreSQL, so ensure you have the correct path.

@echo off

for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%i in ("%date%") do (
    set dow=%%i
    set month=%%j
    set day=%%k
    set year=%%l

set datestr=%month%_%day%_%year%
echo datestr is %datestr%

set BACKUP_FILE=image_studio_backup_%datestr%.backup
echo backup file name is %BACKUP_FILE%

set PGPASSWORD=postgres
echo on
"c:\Program Files\Postgresql\<PostgreSQL version number>\bin\pg_dump.exe" -h localhost -p 5432 -U "postgres" -F plain -v -f %BACKUP_FILE% "licor_image_studio"

Additional backup and restore information can be found on the PostgreSQL wiki

The following template command shows how psql.exe can be used to restore a plain text backup from pgAdmin 4.

"C:\Program Files\Postgresql\<PostgreSQL version number>\bin\psql.exe" -d "licor_image_studio" -f "<backup filename>" –U “<user name>"


  • Run the command as the PostgreSQL administrative user.

  • You will need to replace the placeholders (placeholders are in angle brackets < >) in the command above with your specific information. The path to psql.exe can vary depending on the version of PostgreSQL, so ensure you have the correct path.