Installing C‑DiGit Driver for USB Connection on Windows 10

If you are using Windows 10, a separate driver must be installed to connect your C‑DiGit Blot Scanner to Image Studio Software via USB.

  1. Ensure your C‑DiGit Blot Scanner is powered off and not connected to your computer.

  2. Ensure Image Studio Software is closed.

  3. Download the driver from

  4. Once the installer has downloaded, click the installer to start the Setup Wizard.

  5. Click Next and proceed through the Setup Wizard.

  6. If the Windows Security dialog appears during the install, click Install or the driver will not install.

  7. After the driver has been installed, connect the USB cable from the C‑DiGit Blot Scanner to the computer.

  8. Turn on the C‑DiGit Blot Scanner.

  9. Start Image Studio™ Software, choose a Work Area, and select C‑DiGit Blot Scanner in the Instrument Selection dialog.