Protein Gel Experiment Steps


To help with record-keeping, give every Experiment a distinct name. The description field provides space for you to include important details about the Experiment.

Define lanes

The Define lanes page is used to find lanes on the image for subsequent analysis. To find lanes, you will draw a boundary that encloses all the lanes on the image.

By default, Auto mode automatically performs lane finding. Manual mode can be used if necessary.

Add lane details

Record important details about your samples.

Assign MW marker

Assign a molecular weight marker to estimate the molecular weight of bands.

Quantify bands

Click Find Bands or Add Band to quantify bands. Bands enclosed by band boxes will be quantified.

Assign Reference

Select a band box and click Assign Reference to assign the band as the reference band for Relative Amount calculations. A dialog will open providing you the option to calculate Relative Amounts as a percentage or relative to a specific quantity that you enter in the dialog.

The selected band box will be marked with an asterisk to indicate that it is the reference band.

To assign a different reference band, select a new band box and click Assign Reference. The new band will be assigned as the reference instead of the previously assigned reference band.

Set up chart

Graph the Lane Amount (entered on the Add lane details page) against Lane and Band Signal on this page.

Select "Include Total Lane Signal" to include the Lane Signal in the chart along with Band Signals.

Edit Chart Selection

Click Edit Chart Selection to choose which lanes and which bands to include in the chart.

Review and report

The Review and report page allows you to export a PDF report of the entire analysis, or you can export individual images and data tables.

The data in the report is organized into sections. Click to expand a section to view data and export options.


Click Done to mark this Experiment as complete and return to the Experiment List.