Looking for manuals, software, or help with soil gas flux products?

Visit the technical support center for software, operating instructions, videos, and tips.

Support Center

Protect your research with a LI-COR service agreement or maintenance plan.

Learn more about the benefits and coverage options we offer to keep your instruments protected.

Service Agreement & Plans


Training Courses

Soil flux training courses are offered throughout the year at various locations around the world. Courses provide information on instrument use, theory, data processing, maintenance, and related topics.

Register early, as class sizes are limited and fill quickly. LI‑COR reserves the right to cancel a session 3 weeks prior.

Training Schedule

Date Time Location Language
August 20th, 2024 9:00AM to 4:30PM CDT Virtual English

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Additional Information

Attendees are responsible for their own travel, lodging, and other meal expenses. LI-COR has negotiated a special rate with a hotel and will make reservations for attendees. Attendees are responsible for providing their own payment information at check-in.