The LI-7825 measures the four most abundant CO2 gas isotopologues in air and reports δ13C , δ17O , and δ18O with high precision and accuracy. By measuring CO2 isotopologues and calculating isotope ratios, researchers can:
Backed by over thirty-five years of experience in gas analysis technology, the LI-7825 joins the LI-COR Trace Gas Analyzers trusted by researchers and networks around the world.
Studying Plant and Soil Dynamics with CO2 Isotope Measurements
Read how researchers at Colorado State University used the new LI-7825 CO2 Isotope/NH3 Trace Gas Analyzer to study CO2 isotopologues in an isotope labelling growth chamber and with soil microcosms in jars.
The LI-7825 features the same rugged design, portability, accuracy, and precision as other LI-COR Trace Gas Analyzers at an affordable price. Suitable for both the bench and the field, it is easily added to an existing instrument rack. It can integrate into established systems and delivers dependable data to allow researchers to ask and answer new questions with confidence.
Did you know that the LI-7825 can be adapted to take soil gas flux measurements? The 8250-02 Calibration Manifold allows researchers to confidently capture long-term CO2 isotope measurements from the soil by providing automated zero calibration on site.
Explore how the Calibration Manifold can take your CO2 isotope research from the air to the soil.
Maximum Drift: <1 ‰ per 24-hr period
See the full LI-7825 specsMore applications information coming soon.
The LI-7825 meets or exceeds requirements for long-term atmospheric background measurements and offers a versatile platform for a range of applications for a better understanding of CO2 emissions from anthropogenic and natural sources.
The LI-7825 measures higher concentrations of NH3, and is suitable for detecting ammonia in livestock barns, feedlots, barnyards, fertilizer applications, fence line monitoring, ammonia leaks, and other applications where NH3 concentration is elevated above natural abundance.
While the analyzer provides accurate NH3 measurements of the air reaching the sample cavity, users will need to account for the adsorption of NH3 to the sampling equipment in soil gas flux systems.
NH3 measurements are not supported for LI-COR soil gas flux systems.
*NH3 measurement response time is dependent upon gas composition and inlet pneumatic configuration including tubing/fitting materials, flow rates, and upstream volumes.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
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