Status dictionary map

The table below shows the status values that can be monitored via ASSIGN.

Type Group Name Description
Auxiliary Analog AuxPwr Voltage for the auxiliary power port in head
Dac1 D/A #1 (pin 2) setting
Dac2 D/A #2 (pin 3) setting
Dac3 D/A #3 (pin 4) setting
Dac4 D/A #4 (pin 5) setting
Digital ADC1Pullup ADC Chan1 pullup (pin 21)
Dio1 Pin 6: low, high, input
Dio2 Pin 7: low, high, input
Dio3 Pin 8: low, high, input
Dio4 Pin 9: low, high, input
Dio5 Pin 10: low, high, input
Dio6 Pin 11: low, high, input
Dio7 Pin 12: low, high, input
Dio8 Pin 13: low, high, input
Excite5 5V excitation (pin 25)
GPIO State summary (pins 13-6)
GPIOdir Direction summary (pins 13-6)
Power12 12V power (pin 23)
Power5 5V power (pin 14)
Env Controls CO2 CO2:Label CO2_r, CO2_s, or blank
CO2:Percent CO2 injector target (if manual) %
CO2:Scrub auto, on, off
CO2:SetPoint CO2 setpoint (if auto) mol mol
CO2:Status 0=off, 1=manual, 2=off target, 3=on target
Fan Fan:Percent Manual set point
Fan:SetPoint Automatic target (target units)
Fan:SetPoint_rpm Automatic target (rpm)
Fan:Status 0=off, 1=manual, 2=off target, 3=on target
Fan:Target (if auto) RPM or BLC
Flow Flow:Percent Flow setpoint (if manual) mol s
Flow:Pump auto, high, medium, low, minimum, off
Flow:SetPoint Flow setpoint (if auto) mol s
Flow:Status 0=off, 1=manual, 2=off target, 3=on target
H2O H2O:PercentD % Desiccant (manual)
H2O:PercentH % Humidifier (manual)
H2O:SetPoint H2O setpoint (target units)
H2O:Status 0=off, 1=manual, 2=off target, 3=on target
H2O:Target H2O_r, H2O_s, RH air, etc.
H2O:Teff Coolest temp in chamber
H2O:TlowLab Label of coolest chamber temp
Env Controls
Light Con:ColorMix Mix resulting from color spec
Con:ColorSpec Color specification
Con:Control off, setpoint, percent or test
Con:Info Console light source info
Con:Percent Manual %s: red blue farred
Con:Setpoint Actinic setpoint mol m s
Con:Status Con: 0=off, 1=manual, 2=off target, 3=on target
Con:Trans Transmittance
Flr:ColorMix Mix resulting from color spec
Flr:ColorSpec Color specification
Flr:Control off, setpoint, percent or test
Flr:Info Flr info
Flr:Percent Manual %s: red blue farred
Flr:Setpoint Actinic setpoint mol m s
Flr:Status Flr: 0=off, 1=manual, 2=off target, 3=on target
Flr:Trans Transmittance
Head:ColorMix Mix resulting from color spec
Head:ColorSpec Color specification
Head:Control off, setpoint, percent or test
Head:Info Head lightsource info
Head:Percent Manual %s: red blue farred
Head:Setpoint Actinic setpoint mol m s
Head:Status Head: 0=off, 1=manual, 2=off target, 3=on target
Head:Trans Transmittance
Env Controls
Pressure Press:Percent Press setpoint (if manual) mol s
Press:SetPoint Flow setpoint (if auto) mol s
Press:Status 0=off, 1=manual, 2=off target, 3=on target
Temp Temp:Hold Tleaf control suspended (chamber open)
Temp:SetPoint Automatic setpoint
Temp:Status 0=off, 1=manual, 2=off target, 3=on target
Temp:T2use 0=none or out, 1=in, 2=avg
Temp:Target Txchg, Tair, Tleaf
Temp:TleafOp Tleaf control option value
Temp:TleafOpID Tleaf control option ID
Log Options Flr FlrOpt:Action 0=None, 1=Flash, 2=Flash+Dark
FlrOpt:Auto Threshold for Automatic MPF
FlrOpt:FlashType 0=Auto, 1=RF, 2=MPF, 3=Ind
FlrOpt:MinFlash Minimum flash interval
Match MchOpt:CO2Change Match opt: CO2 changed >
MchOpt:CO2Delta Match opt: |CO2| <
MchOpt:Choice Never match / Always match / Only match if
MchOpt:ChoiceNum Match: 0=Never, 1=Always, 2=If
MchOpt:Elapsed Match opt: elapsed time >
MchOpt:H2OChange Match opt: H2O changed >
MchOpt:H2ODelta Match opt: |H2O| <
Standard LogOps:MakeExcel Also create Excel log file
LogOpts:AvgTime Additional averaging time
LogOpts:Beep Beep on log
Matching Auto Config Mch:AvgTime Auto match stats averaging time
Mch:CO2 limit CO2 delta rate of change green light threshold
Mch:H2O limit H2O delta rate of change green light threshold
Mch:Timeout Auto mode timeout time
Status Mch:AutoFrac Fraction complete of an automatic match
Mch:LogLabel Match label (shown on log button)
Mch:Message Result of previous match
Mch:State 0=inactive, 1=manual, 2=automatic
Mch:ddCdt CO2 stability during match
Mch:ddHdt H2O stability during match
Misc Logging LOG:FileName Name of current log file
LOG:FileTS Timestamp of last opened log file
LOG:IsFileOpen Is a log file open?
LOG:LastRem Latest logged remark
LOG:ObsCount Observations logged
LOG:State Is a log event active?
Power PowerState on, standby, sleep
PowerValue 0=On, 1=Standby, 2=Sleep
Stability Stab:Stable Number of items checked for stability
Stab:State Stability state: Stable/Total
Stab:Total Number of items stable