Application Notes, Tech Tips, and Other Documents

LAI-2200C Plant Canopy Analyzer Instruction Manual Instruction manual for the LAI-2200C Plant Canopy Analyzer. manual
Manual de Instrucciones para el LAI-2200C Medidor de Dosel Vegetal Este manual contiene instrucciones básicas de funcionamiento para el Medidor de dosel vegetal LAI-2200C y el software para computadora. manual

Indirect Methods of Estimating Canopy Structure. A Comparison of the LAI-2200C, Ceptometry, and Hemispherical Photography

This document compares some indirect methods of estimating canopy structure, including the LAI-2200C Plant Canopy Analyzer, ceptometry, and hemispherical photography.


Some Indirect Methods of Estimating Canopy Structure

Reprint of Remote Sensing Reviews article entitled 'Some Indirect Methods of Estimating Canopy Structure', by Jon Welles.

On the correct estimation of gap fraction: How to remove scattered radiation in gap fraction measurements? (external resource) Publication in Agriculture and Forest Meteorology. By Hideki Kobayashi, Youngryel Ryu, Dennis D.Baldocchi, Jon M. Welles, and John M. Norman publication
LAI-2200C Plant Canopy Analyzer Quick Start Guide Quick start guide for the LAI-2200C Plant Canopy Analyzer. quick start guide
Guía de Conceptos Básicos para el LAI-2200C Medidor de Dosel Vegetal Guía rápida para el Analizador de Dosel Vegetal LAI-2200C. quick start guide
The Power of FV2200 Tech tip that describes some powerful features of FV2200 software for evaluating leaf area index data collected from the LAI-2200C. tech tip

Non-destructive Measurements of Leaf Area Index

Transcript of a webinar that describes how to measure leaf area index using the LAI-2200.

webinar transcript