Updated and Expanded! The 2022 Edition of
Eddy Covariance Method for Scientific, Regulatory, and Commercial Applications
Dr. George Burba’s new edition of Eddy Covariance Method for Scientific, Regulatory, and Commercial Applications updates and expands his authoritative book on the theoretical principles, requirements, applications, planning, processing, and analysis of the eddy covariance method.

Advanced instruments, software, and methodology have made the eddy covariance method available for applications beyond micrometeorology and academic science. Applications of the method now include scientific research, industrial monitoring, production agriculture, environmental monitoring, carbon sequestration inventory for carbon credit verification and corporate sustainability, and emission regulations. This book, meant to complement textbooks and technical documents, is an accessible resource for those who wish to familiarize themselves with the method. Students, academic researchers, technicians, and non-academic professionals will gain foundational knowledge and learn practical applications relevant to their disciplines.
New in this edition
The 2022 edition explores the latest technological developments and applications related to flux measurements, including:
- An expanded overview to include discussions of the global energy budget, global water cycle, global carbon cycle, and smaller processes
- Analysis of eddy covariance data, including quality control, advanced data analysis, specific tools and software
- Flux station networking, including established networks and tools for individual groups and institutions
- Improved workflows for the design and implementation of field experiments
- Abundant new illustrations, examples, and explanations throughout the book
The book is organized by topic for ease of access to specific information. Each topic is presented in a three-tier structure: an illustration and summary, more in-depth information, and references to more advanced textbooks, networking guidelines, and journal papers for further exploration.

Previous editions of the book are on the curricula at more than 50 universities, and in more than 40 libraries including Oxford, Stanford, Princeton, Yale, Cambridge, Cornell, Duke, MIT, Caltech, Dartmouth, Imp College London, Karlsruhe, Max Planck, CSIRO (Australia), and other international libraries.
LI-COR welcomes feedback and questions about the book and the eddy covariance method. Contact us atenvsupport@licor.com.
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About the Author

George Burba, LI-COR Science and Strategy Fellow, is a Global Fellow at R.B. Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute and a Senior Member at the National Academy of Inventors. He has authored or co-authored more than 300 journal and conference papers, books, and book chapters relevant to the eddy covariance method.
Dr. Burba has been an invited speaker at more than 60 international conferences on flux measurements, has conducted more than 30 field campaigns, and taught more than 600 courses, seminars, presentations, and invited lectures. He has collaborated with researchers from Argonne NL, Ameriflux, Asia Flux, Battelle, Canadian Carbon Program, CarboEurope, EPA, Fluxnet, ICOS, InGOS, LBNL, NEON, OzFlux, WMO as well as more than 150 universities and other research institutions.