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Photosynthesis training courses are offered throughout the year at various locations around the world. Courses provide information on instrument use, theory, data processing, maintenance, and related topics.
Register early, as class sizes are limited and fill quickly. LI‑COR reserves the right to cancel a session 3 weeks prior.
Courses are designed for users who have little or no experience with the LI‑6800, but may also be useful as a refresher for users with more experience. Some of the topics covered during the courses include:
Date | Time | Location | Language |
January 14th - 15th, 2025 | 9:00AM to 4:30PM CT | Remote | English |
February 11th - 12th, 2025 | 9:00AM to 5:00PM CT | Lincoln, NE | English |
March 18th - 19th, 2025 | 9:00AM to 5:00PM CT | Lincoln, NE | English |
April 15th - 16th, 2025 | 9:00AM to 5:00PM CT | Lincoln, NE | English |
May 13th - 14th, 2025 | 9:00AM to 5:00PM CT | Lincoln, NE | English |
June 9th - 13th, 2025 | 9:00AM to 5:00PM CT | Lincoln, NE | English |
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Attendees are responsible for their own travel, lodging, and other meal expenses. LI-COR has negotiated a special rate with a hotel and will make reservations for attendees. Attendees are responsible for providing their own payment information at check-in. Attendees must bring their own instrument to the course.
Ashe, P., Shaterian, H., Akhov, L., Kulkarni, M., & Selvaraj, G. (2017, December 14). Contrasting Root and Photosynthesis Traits in a Large-Acreage Canadian Durum Variety and Its Distant Parent of Algerian Origin for Assembling Drought/Heat Tolerance Attributes. Frontiers in Chemistry, 5(121).
Caine, R. S., Yin, X., Sloan, J., Harrison, E. L., Mohammed, U., Fulton, T., … Gray, J. E. (2018). Rice with reduced stomatal density conserves water and has improved drought tolerance under future climate conditions. New Phytologist, 221(1), 371¬–384.
Dutt, M., Zambon, F. T., Erpen, L., Soriano, L., & Grosser, J. (2018, January 2). Embryo-Specific Expression of a Visual Reporter Gene as a Selection System for Citrus Transformation. PLoS ONE, 13(1), e0190413.
Evans, J. R., Morgan, P. B., & von Caemmerer, S. (2017, October 1). Light Quality Affects Chloroplast Electron Transport Rates Estimated from Chl Fluorescence Measurements. Plant Cell Physiology, 58(10), 1652–1660.
Fang, L., Yin, X., van der Putten, P.E.L., Martre, P. and Struik, P.C. (2022). Drought exerts a greater influence than growth temperature on the temperature response of leaf day respiration in wheat (Triticum aestivum). Plant, Cell & Environment, 45(7), pp.2062–2077. https://doi.org10.1111/pce.14324
Garcia, M. N. M., Cortelezzi, J. I., Fumagalli, M., & Capiati, D. A. (2018, September). Expression of the Arabidopsis ABF4 gene in potato increases tuber yield, improves tuber quality and enhances salt and drought tolerance. Plant Molecular Biology, 98, 137–152.
Guha, A., Han, J., Cummings, C., McLennan, D. A., & Warren, J. M. (2018, April). Differential Ecophysiological Responses and Resilience to Heat Wave Events in Four Co-occurring Temperate Tree Species. Environmental Research Letters, 13(6).
Hupp, J., McCoy, J.I.E., Millgan, A.J. and Peers, G. (2021). Simultaneously measuring carbon uptake capacity and chlorophyll a fluorescence dynamics in algae. Algal Research, 58, p.102399.
Johnson, J. E., Berry, J. A. (2021, May 17) The role of Cytochrome b6f in the control of steady-state photosynthesis: a conceptual and quantitative model. Photosynthesis Research, 148, 101–136.
Loriaux, S.D., Avenson, T.J., Welles, J.M., McDermitt, D.K., Eckles, R.D., Riensche, B. and Genty, B. (2013). Closing in on maximum yield of chlorophyll fluorescence using a single multiphase flash of sub-saturating intensity. Plant, Cell & Environment, 36(10), pp.1755–1770.
Márquez, D.A., Stuart‐Williams, H., Farquhar, G.D. and Busch, F.A. (2021). Cuticular conductance of adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces and its relation to minimum leaf surface conductance. New Phytologist.
Reeves, G., Singh, P., Rossberg, T. A., Sogbohossou, D., Schranz, E., & Hibberd, J. (2018, January 25). Quantitative Variation Within a Species for Traits Underpinning C4 Photosynthesis. bioRxiv 253211.
Saathoff, A.J. and Welles, J. (2021). Gas exchange measurements in the unsteady state. Plant, Cell & Environment, 44(11), pp.3509–3523.
Sales, C.R.G., Molero, G., Evans, J.R., Taylor, S.H., Joynson, R., Furbank, R.T., Hall, A. and Carmo-Silva, E. (2022). Phenotypic variation in photosynthetic traits in wheat grown under field versus glasshouse conditions. Journal of Experimental Botany. https://doi.org10.1093/jxb/erac096
Shi, W., Cheng, J., Wen, X., Wang, J., & Shi, G. (2018). Transcriptomic studies reveal a key metabolic pathway contributing to a well-maintained photosynthetic system under drought stress in foxtail millet (Setaria italica L.). PeerJ6:e4752.
Slot, M., Krause, G. H., Krause, B., Hernández, G. G., & Winter, K. (2019). Photosynthetic heat tolerance of shade and sun leaves of three tropical tree species. Photosynthesis Research 141, 119–130.
Taylor, S. H., & Long, S. P. (2017, September 26). Slow Induction of Photosynthesis on Shade to Sun Transitions in Wheat May Cost at Least 21% of Productivity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 372(1730).
Urban, L., Aarrouf, J., & Bidel, L. R. (2017). Assessing the Effects of Water Deficit on Photosynthesis Using Parameters Derived from Measurements of Leaf Gas Exchange and of Chlorophyll a Fluorescence. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8(2068).
Norby, R.J., Baxter, T., T. Živković and Weston, D.J. (2023). Shading contributes to Sphagnum decline in response to warming. Ecology and Evolution, 13(9). doi: