Removing columns

The Remove pane allows you to remove data for a variable (columns) from the data.csv file. You may want to do this if the variable is not relevant or to reduce the file size. However, Remove will not allow you to remove observations (rows), and removing data will not overwrite the existing file. (To remove observations, select them and click Remove Observation at the upper right or press Delete.)

To remove data from an observation:

  1. Select the observations you would like to remove the data from.
  2. Selected refers to observations that you have selected in the Summary view. You can tell which observations you have selected, as they will be highlighted in the Summary view. You can select observations individually by clicking on them, or you can use Ctrl + click to select multiple individual observations or Shift + click to select all observations in a range.
  3. Choose the variables you would like removed from the variable list.
  4. The variables are sorted by device.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the list and then click REMOVE CHOSEN.

SoilFluxPro will then remove the selected variables from your dataset. If you removed variables from all observations, the column will be removed. If you removed variables from selected observations, the variables for those observations will be replaced with a value of -9999.