Viewing statistics for observations

The Statistics pane calculates statistics (mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation) for your data. Statistics can be generated for all observations or a selected range of observations. Statistics can be provided using the variables you currently have loaded in the Summary view or from a list of different variables you select.

To generate statistics:

  1. Select the observations you would like to generate statistics for.
  2. Selected refers to observations that you have selected in the Summary view. You can tell which observations you have selected, as they will be highlighted in the Summary view. You can select observations individually by clicking on them, or you can use Ctrl + click to select multiple individual observations or Shift + click to select all observations in a range.
  3. Choose which variables you would like statistics on.
  4. Same as Displayed will use the variables you have currently loaded in the Summary view. Other allows you to select the specific variables that will be used in the statistics. The variables available are organized the same way as those described in Configuring the display options.

A new window will open with your statistics. From this window, you can Save... your statistics as a .csv file or you can Copy to Clipboard to copy the statistics and paste them into another application.