Application Notes, Tech Tips, and Other Documents

LI-3000C Portable Area Meter Battery Replacement Instructions Instructions for replacing the rechargeable battery in the LI-3000C Portable Area Meter. install guide

LI-3000C Portable Area Meter and LI-3050C Transparent Belt Conveyer Accessory Instruction Manual

Instruction manual for the LI-3000C and LI-3050C area meter and conveyer belt accessory. manual
Adjusting and Replacing the LI-3050C Transparent Belt This technical tip describes how to replace and/or make adjustments to the belt on the LI-3050C Transparent Belt Conveyor Accessory. tech tip
Area Meter Connectivity: Using USB Connections with Windows 10 This technical tip describes how to configure Windows 10 operating system to connect to the LI-3000C and LI-3100C Leaf Area Meters via the USB port. tech tip
Hints to minimize data accumulation on the LI-3050A Belt Accessory Hints for minimizing spurious data accumulation when using the LI-3050A (or LI-3050C) Transparent Belt Conveyor Accessory. tech tip
LI-3000C Portable Leaf Area Meter with Continuous Accumulation This technical tip describes some possible solutions when the LI-3000C Portable Leaf Area Meter exhibits continuous accumulation of data when there is no leaf enclosed in the sensor head. tech tip