Image Studio™ Software | LICORbio

Image Studio™

The latest release of Image Studio, version 6.0, is free to download. Download Image Studio 6.0 to acquire and analyze high-quality images from the following LICORbio imaging systems: Odyssey® M, Odyssey F, Odyssey DLx, Odyssey XF, Odyssey CLx, Odyssey Fc, C-DiGit® Blot Scanner, Pearl® Trilogy Imaging System.

*Includes all LICORbio software
Image Studio

What's New in Image Studio 6.0?

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Find out what's new in Image Studio version 6.0 here.

Image Studio 6.0 Key Features

  • Support the Odyssey M and the new Odyssey F!
    For the first time, you can now combine the flexibility of Image Studio with the versatility of the Odyssey M.
  • Native RGB support for the Odyssey M!
    RGB images are now treated as their own single-channel image instead of being split into R, G, and B components when imported.
  • New scan presets!
    Access useful starting settings for scanning with the plate alignment guide and slide holder* on the Odyssey M and Odyssey F. Get the flexibility to customize your scan settings and save your own presets to acquire consistent, repeatable images.

Image Studio 6.0 Specifications

  • Supported instruments : Odyssey M, Odyssey F, Odyssey DLx, Odyssey XF, Odyssey CLx, Odyssey Fc, C-DiGit Blot Scanner, Pearl Trilogy
  • Supported operating systems : Windows 10 (64-bit), Windows 11 (64-bit), macOS Ventura on Intel and Apple Silicon processors, and macOS Sonoma on Intel and Apple Silicon processors

*The Odyssey M and Odyssey F use the same plate alignment guide and slide holder to ensure consistent sample placement and to make it easy to get repeatable scans. The plate alignment guide and slide holder are sold separately from the Odyssey F.

Get started with Image Studio v6.0 for free by completing the form below. Please take a minute to carefully complete the form so that we can evolve Image Studio with features that will be helpful for you.

Work Areas from Image Studio 6.0 are not compatible with previous versions of Image Studio. Once you have opened a Work Area in Image Studio 6.0, you will not be able to open that same Work Area in an earlier version of Image Studio.

For more details, see the Upgrade Instructions and Release Notes.

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