
Band Normalization

Normalization is useful for using one channel to correct for loading variation between lanes.

Calculation Descriptions

In the Tables there are columns that refer to calculations. When these columns are part of the table, the values are automatically calculated and reported in the table. Some columns are specific to one table and some can be shared across tables. The Columns group has commands for adding and removing columns. For further instructions, select "Adding and Removing Columns" in the help section of any table type.

Below are detailed descriptions of the calculations in these columns. First, the terms used in these descriptions are defined.

Definitions of Terms

Shape — any area enclosed using the shape tools.

Pixel — the smallest area unit of an image that is measured with a single intensity value.

Signal intensity or intensity — signal counts measured in a single pixel per unit time.

Descriptions of the Calculations

Area — The area is the total number of pixels enclosed by a shape.

Bkgnd. — The background is the average intensity of the pixels selected as the background region.

Bkgnd. Std Dev — The background standard deviation is the standard deviation of all of the background pixel intensities in a single channel.

Max — The maximum intensity is the highest pixel intensity within a shape. The maximum intensity value does not have background intensity subtracted.

Mean — The mean is the sum of all of the pixel intensities for a shape divided by the total number of pixels in a shape.

Min — The minimum intensity is the lowest pixel intensity within a shape. The minimum intensity value does not have background intensity subtracted.

Signal — The signal is the sum of the individual pixel intensity values (Total) for a shape minus the product of the average intensity values of the pixels in the background (Bkgnd) and the total number of pixels enclosed by the shape (Area). Signal = Total - (Bkgnd. x Area)

StdDev — The standard deviation of all of the pixel intensities for a shape.

Total — The total intensity is the sum of the individual pixel intensities for a shape.

Trim Bkgnd. — The trimmed background is the average intensity of the pixels selected as the background region.

The highest 5% count and lowest 5% count of the intensity pixel values of the shape are discarded.

Trim Bkgnd. StdDev — The trimmed background standard deviation is the standard deviation of all of the background pixel intensities in a single channel. Note: the highest 5% count and lowest 5% count of the intensity pixel values of the background are discarded.

Trim Mean — The trimmed mean is the sum of all of the pixel intensities for a shape divided by the total number of pixels in a shape.

The highest 5% count and lowest 5% count of the intensity pixel values of the shape are discarded.

Trim Signal — The trimmed signal is the sum of the individual pixel intensity values for a shape minus the product of the average intensity values of the pixels in the background (Bkgnd.) and the total number of pixels enclosed by the shape. Note: The highest 5% count and lowest 5% count are excluded from the intensity summation and the pixel count.

Trim StdDev — The trimmed standard deviation is the standard deviation of all of the pixel intensities for a shape.

The highest 5% count and lowest 5% count of the intensity pixel values of the shape are discarded.

In-Cell Western Calculations

Background — The average pixel intensity of each background well will be calculated, and the background wells will be averaged to find the background value to be subtracted from wells designated Sample and 100% Standard.

Linked Wells — The pixel intensities from linked wells are averaged, and this average is used in the following calculations for each of the linked wells.

ICW Relative — After background subtraction, all wells designated as Sample or 100% Standard in a channel are divided by the intensity value of the well with the highest response. This well is given a value of 1.0, and the relative intensity values of the other wells will generally be between 0.0 and 1.0.

Negative relative intensities indicate the original intensity value was lower than the average background when the background was subtracted.

If a normalization channel is selected, the intensity value of each well in the other channel is divided by the relative intensity value of the corresponding well in the normalization channel.

ICW % Response — After background subtraction and normalization (if used), all wells designated as Sample are divided by the average of the wells designated as 100% Standard in that channel and multiplied by 100 to give a percentage response to the control in the 100% Standard.

All ICW % Response values for the normalization channel are reported as NaN.

ICW Std Dev — The ICW standard deviation is the standard deviation of the average of the pixel intensities from linked wells.

Z-Factor Calculation

First, pixel intensities in all wells designated as Background in each channel are averaged, and the average is subtracted from the pixel intensities of all wells in that channel. Then, the relative intensity values are found by dividing all wells by the intensity value of the well with the highest response. The intensity values from the sample channel are divided by the relative intensity values from the corresponding wells in the normalization channel.

The Z-factor calculation uses these values in the following equation:

General Background Subtraction Concepts

Background is noise in an image that can affect signal quantification. Background must be subtracted to accurately calculate signal from the shape(s) of interest, especially if background values vary throughout an image. The best method for background correction depends on the image and its background consistency.

Image Studio™ Software provides a variety of background subtraction methods to address numerous conditions found in wide ranging biological imaging applications.

Background consistency in an image will generally fall into one of three categories:

  1. Background around shapes in an image can be nearly uniform (see image below).
  2. Background around shapes can be different around each shape (see image below).
  3. Background around shapes in a lane can vary within the lane (see image below).

    Image Studio background region types

    Many forms of background can be seen in these images. A) Brightness from the autofluorescent background is fairly constant. B) Smearing between bands in a marker lane. C) Different background around shapes.

Lane Method vs. Rolling Ball from ImageJ

The Image Studio Lane background subtraction method and ImageJ Rolling ball method use very different algorithms to subtract background from a lane. Rolling ball can also be used to subtract background from an entire image, although this is discouraged.*

*Gassman, M, B Grenacher, B Rohde, and J Vogel. Electrophoresis 30:1845-55 (2009).

Building File Names Using Column Fields

The Export Selected Images dialog has an Edit Name button that displays the Edit Name dialog allowing you to include column name fields in the file name. You can also include column name fields in other export dialogs by entering the column name fields manually.

The name that you enter must be preceded by a tilde for the field to be replaced by the current value. In the example below, the user accepted the default file name, ImagesTableExport_~Date  and appended a Time field, preceded by a Tilde (~).

Image Studio Shapes Table Export Dialog

Use the following table to find the name(s) that you want to append to the file name.

To Use This Column Name

Insert This Name Preceded by a Tilde (~)




Current date in the format YYYY-MM-DD



Time in the format of HHMMSS

Work Area

Work Area

Work Area folder name

Image ID


Values supplied from current acquisition

Image Name

Image Name

Acquire Time

Time Stamp

Instrument NameInstrumentName

Integration Times

Time PointTimePoint

Normalization Channel


<specified custom name>CustomField1
<specified custom name>CustomField2
<specified custom name>CustomField3
OrganizationOrganizationNameThe organization specified in Preferences

Animal ID


Editable fields that can be included in the Images Table and values supplied by the user

Inject TimeInjectTime
Mouse StrainMouseStrain
Cell LineCellLine


Acquire: Obtaining an image, by instrument or by importing an image file.

Acquisition: Image and its Data Analysis.

Analysis Type: Can include Westerns, ICW, DNA Gels, and more. After specifying the Analysis type, the user is presented with a predefined set of acquisition parameters and analysis.

Application Button: The large button in the upper left corner of the application window that contains a menu of operations that in some applications are most usually found on the File menu.

Background Type: Method of calculating background

Band: A feature in a lane that indicates detection of a protein or DNA.

Bands Table: A tabular view of values in the Band fields, both automatically and manually assigned.

Boundary: Outline of lanes area. To see the outline be sure that Boundary is checked in Show options.

Button: A small icon that issues a command when clicked.

Channel: A description of the method used to collect pixel values. The description is usually a single word or number approximating either the emission and/or detection wavelengths or the detection method.

Columns: A set of values assigned to each image or feature. For example, Image columns for each Image are viewed in the Images Table. Some values are automatically assigned during the acquisition process based on acquisition parameters, (Resolution, offset, channels, date-time of acquisition, for the Image columns for example.) Other columns are manually assigned..

Comb: An apparatus used to form the wells in a gel. A setting for determining number of lanes in the Western MPX Analysis.

Ellipse: An elliptical shape, that can be quantified, drawn around some section of the image.

Export: A command on the Application menu as a way to copy or move images and data.

Feature: A box, circle or other shape drawn around some section of the image. This object is visible on the Image View and can be quantified.

Filters: Ways to restrict the Image Table view when many images are loaded into Image Studio.

Group: A group of related commands in a Task Tab or ribbon (e.g., the Filter group in the Table tab).

Image: The viewable result of the Acquire action. This also refers to the set of all individual channels and all analysis and logs. An Image-ID, a unique number, is automatically assigned to each image as the result of an acquisition.

Images Table: A tabular view of values in Image fields, both automatically and manually assigned.

Key Tip: Letter(s) and numbers for accessing commands using the keyboard. Pressing the ALT key activates Key Tips.

Lab Book Report: A customized report of selected images and table data. This report is found on the Application menu's Print menu.

Lane: A group of bands visible in the image that have the same channel, sample, primary, secondary, and tertiary (if defined) attributes. In a Western, there is on lane per channel per well. In an MPX™ Western, there is one lane per channel per MPX apparatus groove.

Lanes Table: A tabular view of values in the Lane fields, both automatically and manually assigned.

LUT:  Lookup Table. Used to transform the raw pixel data from an image channel into a grayscale or color for display..

Marker: A mixture of labeled proteins or DNA having defined size. Also known as Sizing Standards.

Marker Lane: A lane that contains a marker.

Profile: Graphic display of a band or lanes showing pixel location and intensity.

Quick Access Toolbar: A group of buttons located to the right of the Application Button. Used to perform common commands.

Rectangle: A rectangle shape that can be quantified, drawn around some section of the image.

Ribbon: An area at the top of the application window containing the Application Button, Quick Access Toolbar, and a set of Task Tabs.

Shape: This describes the geometry of a feature. Examples are square, ellipse, polygon, auto, band.

Shapes Table: A tabular view of values in the Shapes fields, both automatically and manually assigned.

Task Tabs: A tab located in the Ribbon containing Groups. Command Tabs are always visible. The visibility of Contextual Tabs is determined by the selection.

Title Bar: The bar above the application window that displays the name of the program and the current image.

Toolbar: A group of buttons.

Tooltip: Hover the mouse over a button or control in a dialog to display a brief explanation of the control.

Well: A depression used to contain a sample. In a Western or MPX Western, wells are created in the gel by the comb. In a microplate, the wells are features of the plate.

Western: Western Blot. A method in molecular biology to detect a certain protein in a sample by using antibody specific to that protein.