Odyssey Duo: Two Exceptional Imagers in One Package

Odyssey® Duo
Imaging System Package

Two exceptional imagers in one package.

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Odyssey Duo package facing left
open Odyssey DLx Imaging System

Odyssey DLx Imager

An effective and high-throughput imager, the Odyssey DLx combines a unique blend of near-infrared fluorescent technologies to capture premium, unsaturated images in one acquisition.

The Odyssey DLx delivers high-quality data for accurate, reliable Western blots and a wide variety of other assays.


Odyssey XF Imager

The Odyssey XF Imager is a robust fluorescent and chemiluminescent imager that covers your essential lab assays in one imager.

Get consistent, low-background images—every time— for fluorescent and chemiluminescent Western blots as well as gels.

see more DLx


Extended application options

With both the Odyssey DLx and Odyssey XF, your lab has access to two fluorescent Western blot imagers and many other applications.

Odyssey Dlx Odyssey XF
Near-Infrared Fluorescent Western Blot
Chemiluminescent Western Blot
In-Cell Western Assay
On-Cell Western Assay
Fluorescent Protein Gel
Nucleic Acid Gel
EMSA/Gel Shift Assay
Fluorescent Tissue Section
Protein Array

* SYTO® 60 only

Odyssey Duo package facing right

See the Odyssey Duo in action

Odyssey Imagers have been part of over 25,000 peer-reviewed publications. Ensure your lab team has a solid foundation of exceptional data on which to build their research.

Need more information? Contact us.

* Remote demonstrations are available.